How Often Should Your Mom Wash Her Hair?

Caregiver in Clark NJ: Senior Hygiene

Your mom has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t shower without cues anymore. She often becomes combative when it comes to daily showers, so her doctors say it’s okay to let a few days go by between showers.

Can Your Aging Adult Help Your Children in Your Care Routine?

Caregiver in Clark NJ: Sandwiched Caregivers

A growing number of adults throughout the United States are members of what is known as the sandwich generation. In fact, among adults between the ages of 40 and 60, approximately one in eight are family caregivers providing direct care for aging family members, and as many as 10 million more are distance caregivers, and […]

Shingles – What is It and How Do You Keep Your Parent Safe?

Caregiver in Clark NJ: What is Shingles?

Varicella-zoster, better known as shingles, is a virus that anyone who had chicken pox has lying dormant in nerve tissue. For some, the virus may become active again. This typically happens after the age of 50. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s estimated that 50 percent of senior citizens will have shingles by the time […]

Headaches and Seniors


While it seems that with age, people commonly lose things like vision and balance.  As a good thing to lose with age comes a decrease in headaches. According to an article on WebMD, “The prevalence of headaches at different ages in women and men, respectively, is as follows: 21 to 34 years, 92% and 74%; […]

4 Tips on Staying Well-balanced when Caring for an Aging Parent


Caregiver in Clark NJ Family is one of the most important parts of a person’s life. Having people to rely on for support can be very comforting for most people, especially elderly parents. However, having an aging parent to care for can be overwhelming. Trying to handle both the needs of a family and an elderly parent can become […]

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